Tag Archives: organic food production

Gettin’ dirty – bringing in a urban farm harvest at SOLEfood

I called up an old acquaintance, Seann Dory – someone I’ve known for years from our past lives – to see if I could lend a hand with bringing in the some of the winter veggie harvest at the SOLEfood Urban Farm.

I’m well aware of his incredible and admirable efforts – SOLEfood was started by Seann and is Vancouver’s first urban farming installation that not only brings organic food production into the city, but does so in the socio-economically challenged DTES (downtown eastside). Part of SOLEfood’s gift? Providing the opportunity for DTES residents to learn skills and find personal solace through reconnecting with growing food.

I’ve been to the site a few times while doing some consulting with local start up Patch, but today was the first day I was able to get my hands in the dirt, literally.

SOLEfood’s advisor is the well-respected Michael Ableman. I can say this much – for a primarily plant-based eater who sees his fair share of organic produce, the Rainbow Chard and Collard Greens we harvested today are some of the absolute best I’ve ever tasted. Soft and supple with vibrant flavours. And of course it doesn’t get any fresher (and therefore rich in nutrients).

Food grown in your city means it does not have to be transported for long distances and over many days (or weeks), which leaves a huge carbon footprint and arrives with greatly depleted nutrient density. Also, food grown close-by in small lots is not subject to the vulnerability of large scale farming in far away places, which can singularly be affected by a single extreme weather event.

What’s happening with urban farming in your city? They often need volunteers, and are most often started and run by people who know a thing or two or growing food (the best way to learn is to do it hands on!). What can you do to play a part in urban farming where you live?

Thanks for the opportunity Seann, and kudos to you and the SOLEfood team for your future-forward work to improve food security in my city.